- Here you find lists of foreign dogs, that have been approved or used for stud by a DRC breeder and whose details have therefore been entered into the DRC database. Such dogs will appear in the list with the next update. If a dog can no longer be used for stud (due to death, castration or other reasons), the owners are requested to inform the the DRC main office (Geschäftsstelle DRC). The data of such dogs will continue to be shown in the "Hundesuche" including all details and pictures.
- Dogs older than 10 years, that have not been used as stud dogs in the DRC, will be removed from this list.
- This list contains all informations (health, working certificates, show results, pedigree, address of the owner), that have been entered in the DRC database. If the dog achieves additional merits after first being entered in the database, owners are requested to send a copy of the respective certificate to the DRC-Geschäftsstelle.
- DRC members only: Up to 2 pictures of each dog may be entered into the list by sending to together with the registration number, name of the dog and name of the owner.
- Additional information that you may wish to enter into the database (homepage or E-mail address) can be sent to the DRC-Geschäftsstelle .
- Please select the desired retriever breed from the list below. The lists can be sorted by clicking on the headers. Details of the dogs are shown by clicking the loupe.
- This list is published exclusively for private use and may not be used otherwise. Copyright by DRC e.V.
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anzeigen lassen. Markieren Sie dazu in der Auswahlbox die gewünschte Retriever-Rasse.